19 Feb
The Importance of Shopping Local and The Impact in SE Wisconsin
Author: Jandell Herum
Why is shopping and supporting local businesses so important? And why should you care?
There are literally 100's of article and statistics to support why consumers should spend their disposable income with local business. We at Third Eye Local wholeheartedly agree with the research and frankly, why we started our business. Please buy, shop and support local businesses! Now sit back with a cup of coffee, read this information and then contemplate how you can impact our local economy.
Local business account for 60 to 80 percent of all U.S. jobs according to Entrepreneur Magazine. Wow, this is impressive. And as of when the article was written in May, 2012 there are between 25-27 million small businesses located in the U.S.
A 2012 study by Civic Economics, a company that analyzes the impact of buying local, has found that local businesses are known to have a “multiplier effect” on their communities—the idea that every dollar spent at a local, independently owned business can stay in the community and help generate a far greater economic value. But it’s not just about the economy: Research shows that vibrant local business communities lead to more charitable giving in a community and more walkable neighborhoods with unique character, according to Michael H. Shuman, an economist and author who specializes in community economics.